Idaho Potato Museum

Idaho Potato Museum

I came across a potato museum in Idaho, and for me Idaho means potato, so I must check this out. Never heard of a museum for potatoes, so I ask if this was the only one, the lady told me she believes there is another potato museum in the New England area, but it is more focused on the chip and not the potato. This museum is located in Blackfoot Idaho, which is a small farming town in southeast Idaho, but why here? Blackfoot Idaho is ground zero of the Idaho potato industry. Allot of the machinery used to plant and harvest potatoes was invented here and some still in use today.

I remember as a kid putting a potato partially in a jar of water and it would sprout, I don’t remember why I did this, but that leads to the first point, potatoes are not grown from seed, but from pieces of other potatoes. But why Idaho, remember the craters of the moon park which is also in the southeast Idaho, the volcanic ash that is in the soil is rich in certain minerals which is great for growing potatoes. The museum had videos and displays that where entertaining and informative of the industry. They also have a great collection of potato peelers and mashers. 🙂


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