Lake Powell / Grand Canyon

Lake Powell / Grand Canyon

Well after my little road trip through Monument Valley, I had to find a place for the night, luckily found something on the reservation to hide out for the evening. Got an early start the next day because was not sure if I would get harassed. Headed out to Lake Powell, Page AZ, I am taking a more scenic route to the Grand Canyon. Stopped by Horseshoe Bend to see the Colorado River before it gets to the Grand Canyon. It wasn’t a long drive, I was entering the Grand Canyon from the east around 11am, so I start my exploration.

I know many people have been to the Grand Canyon, so I will not elaborate on all the fantastic views. Spent a couple of days exploring the East and South Canyon. The North Canyon will not open until June. Walked the Rim trail. I am still amazed at the selfie parties happening everywhere. Grand Canyon West is not part of the park, but they have the glass walkway, but decided not worth cost since I would never walk out on the walkway, I just wanted to see it, oh well. The Kaibab National Forest is just outside the park on the east and south, so I was able to find free camping spots out in the forest area and very peaceful, but I did look forward to my shower the last day in the park. When I entered Arizona, I noticed horses running free, at least it appeared that way, but that was on the Indian Reservation. Well while I was camping in the National Forest, there were horses moving around, so I had to google it. Arizona has wild horses and the National Forest I was in has a heard, so I have seen deer or moose, but a wild horse was a new one on me.


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